When you decide to have a romantic association with someone, you no longer take charge of everything, but instead give due consideration and sensitivity to the person you love. As unique individuals coming from varied backgrounds, good communication lines are important, in fact, mandatory, in every relationship.

It is almost impossible to love someone and be loved in return without constant communication. You have to express in order to be understood; in the same way, you also have to listen to empathize.

"Is this OK?" "What does he/she think?" "Do I have to say what I feel?" "How will he/she react?" "Does openness and transparency really work?" You can ask and continue to doubt all you want, not until you decide and learn to communicate can the answers to your queries surface.

A relationship is a connection, a link and a partnership that needs frequent communication. You should not keep to yourself what you think and feel. Just go ahead and share it. In fact, the lifeblood of every relationship is communication. What good can your love and devotion achieve if you do not learn to express in words and in deeds?

Communication is vital in any kind of relationship. Without it, the relationship will soon wither away like a plant trying to survive in a sandy and shallow ground. It also takes a mutual form, a two-way communication between partners. When one tries to open up and the other one keeps on withholding, slowly it digresses and pushes the relationship to the verge of uncertainty. Putting up a facade and a wall between you and your partner breaks the very essence of good communication.

Accept Your Partner for Who He/She Is
When you accept your mate, you accept the good and the bad, the perfection and the flaws, the likes and dislikes. Acceptance is the key to strong communication lines. When you do not like the way you were treated during a party, say it - that is the beginning of communication.

Learn To Open-Up
Acceptance of your partner makes you open up easily. It is definitely normal to have reservations at a certain phase or level. The "getting-to-know" stage is a starting point. You need to open up your feelings, your needs, your dreams and aspirations, even your desires. As you go deeper in the relationship, openness, transparency and honesty is an SOP. When you sense early signs of inhibition, try to deal with it to avoid future problems.

Communicate Without Accusations
You can communicate with your partner without using accusations. Instead of accusing, use the phrase, "This makes me feel....." or another phrase explaining your response. Accusations just result in counter accusations.

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